Title: Bambi Soccer Team Tee - Rockledge Game Day School Football Player T Shirt Med Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Black Cotton T Shirt with Front, Back and Right Sleeve Designs. Size: Adult Men's Size Medium / M Measurements: 40" at the chest (20" from pit to pit), 40" at the shoulders, and 27" long. Fabric: Medium to Heavy Weight Black 100% Cotton Design: The front chest design has a soccer ball and reads: "Rockledge Soccer Game Day." The back of the shirt reads: "Bambi 15." The right sleeve has a sponsor logo. Condition: Very Good to Excellent Condition. Little to no signs of wear. The shirt appears to have been worn and laundered little, if at all. Garment Label: "Gildan Ultra Cotton. M. 100% Cotton Pre Shrunk. Made in Haiti." Extras: A Great Looking / collectible T Shirt !!!
Bambi Rockledge Soccer Team Tee - Medium