Title: Bomont Stallions Tee - Footloose High School West Virginia Horse T Shirt XLarge Description: Medium to Heavy Weight Lime Green Cotton T Shirt with Front Chest Design. Size: Adult Men's Size Extra Large / XL Measurements: 48" at the chest (24" from pit to pit), 48" at the shoulders, and 29" long. Fabric: Medium to Heavy Weight Green 50% Cotton 50% Polyester Blend. Design: The front chest design reads: "Bomont Stallions." The back of the shirt is solid lime green. Condition: Excellent / Unworn Condition. Garment Label: "Jerzees. Z. Heavyweight Blend. XL. 50% Cotton 50% Polyester. Made in Honduras." Extras: A Great looking / collectible T Shirt !!!
Bomont Stallions Footloose WV School Tee - XL