Title: Winter Jam 2011 Tee - Christian Concert Tour Spectacular Newsboys T Shirt Small Description: Medium Weight Black Cotton Blend T Shirt with Front and Back Designs. Size: Adult Men's Size Small / S Measurements: 38" at the chest (19" from pit to pit), 36" at the shoulders, and 27" long. Fabric: Medium Weight Black Cotton / Poly Blend Design: The front of the shirt has a large "W." The back of the shirt has a list of performers and reads: "Winter Jam 2011 Tour Spectacular." Condition: Good to Very Good Condition. Light signs of natural wear. There is some wear around the ribbing of the neck and upper back of the neck where there are some small holes noticeable at close examination. There are also some small light spots on the front lower right side of the shirt. There are no other visible stains or large holes. Garment Label: The garment label has been removed. Extras: Not in perfect condition, but a Great looking / collectible Concert T Shirt !!!
Winter Jam 2011 Concert Tee - Small